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Professor Andrew Scholey
Monash and Swinburne Universities 

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About Scholey


Andrew Scholey is Professor of Human Psychopharmacology based in Melbourne, Australia and Newcastle-uon-Tyne, UK. He holds adjunct professorships at Monash and Swinburne Univerisities, is Chief Scientific Officer at Arepa Nootropics and consults for the nutrition, pharmaceutical and supplement industry. 

He is in the top 1% of researchers in all science disciplines based on citation indicators [link] with high field impact in three disciplines - Clinical Medicine; Nutrition & Dietetics; Neurology & Neurosurgery

The Expertscape algorithm places Andrew in:

He has researched a number of areas of psychopharmacology, including the brain and behavioural effects of 'nutra' interventions (nutrition, nutrients, nutraceuticals), caffeine, drugs and alcohol. He is a leading authority on the neurocognitive effects of nutrition, natural products, supplements and food components.

In 1998, Andrew established the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at Northumbria University, UK (now the Brain Performance and Nutrition Research Centre) and was the Unit’s director until joining Swinburne in 2007. He was also co-director of the UK’s Medicinal Plant Research Centre and remains as honorary director of Neurocognitive trials.

Andrew has been lead investigator in a series of landmark studies into the human biobehavioural effects of natural products, and their neurocognition-enhancing and anti-stress/anxiolytic properties. These include (but mot limited to) first-into-human, placebo-controlled trials evaluating neurocognitive effects of Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, Melissa officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Salvia lavandulaefolia and guaraná

Andrew has published over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, 25 book chapters and 2 books. These have have been widely cited (Scopus h-index = 66; Google Scholar h-index = 85).

He has attracted over 27 million dollars in research funding, including as Chief Investigator on national competitive grants from the UK, Europe and Australia as well as from many industry bodies in Europe, North America, Asia, New Zealand and Australia.  

In 2006 Andrew took a six-month sabbatical at the Nestlé Research Centre, Switzerland during the establishment of their Cognitive Sciences group. As Principal Director of Metavate Consulting, he acts as a consultant/expert advisor to many industry bodies, including various Fortune 500 companies. He works closely with industry to allow rapid translation of research into evidence-based products for brain health. 

Andrew was expert advisor to the International Life Sciences Institute Expert Committee on Nutrition and Mental Performance and an expert witness to the UK Parliamentary Forum on Food and Health Inquiry on Diet and Behaviour. He has also acted as an advisor to the Canadian Ministry of Health. He was a member of the inaugural Australian Research Council Impact and Engagement panel for Health and medical Sciences.

Andrew has supervised over 20 PhDs and over 100 honours students. He reviews grants for national and international funding bodies and was on the inaugural Australian Research Council  (ARC) Engagement and and Impact panel (Health and Life Sciences), and is part of the ARC Medical Research Advisory Group.

He is Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Nutrition Psychology and Brain Health and is on the editorial board of Phytotherapy Research and Nutrients. Andrew is committed to the public dissemination of science with numerous appearances in the print, audiovisual and digital media.

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Professor Andrew Scholey
Monash and Swinburne Universities 

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